Here’s something about Libby I’ll bet you don’t know. Libby is into ghosts! With Halloween on the horizon, I thought this would be a good time to share that with you. Over the years we’ve done a lot of traveling. Whenever we’re planning a trip, Libby does some research to find out if there will […]
Articles about Holidays
Here you will find articles about various holidays, including Christmas, Thanksgiving, and St. Patrick's Day.
We love to celebrate the holidays, which is why we have so many articles on the subject.
9 Ways to Share the Spirit of the Season
The holiday season is upon us, and many of us have already begun to celebrate. From trimming trees to lighting candles, it’s the time of year to fill your homes (and hearts) with holiday joy. But there’s no need to stop at your front door. Let the spirit of the season radiate outward from your […]
An Insiders Look at Creating Christmas Wreaths
In case you weren’t aware, my brother Brian and his wife, Robin own and run a Christmas tree farm in Foresthill, California. The Guthrie Tree Farm is nestled in the foothills of the Sierra-Nevada mountains in Placer County. Every year, Libby and I go up to visit and make Christmas wreaths for our clients. This year […]
5 Things to Do Before the End of 2018
Chickens GIF from Chickenlittle GIFs The end is near! Well, the end of the year is near. 😉 This week is Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Small Business Saturday. More on that later. Then just 30 days until Christmas. After that, it’s goodbye 2018. But before we bid adieu to this year, there are some things we recommend […]
Pearl Harbor Day & The Mount Diablo Beacon
I’m writing this on Veteran’s Day. This is a very significant day of remembrance and has quite a history. But, by the time you read this, Veteran’s Day will have passed. However, there is another day special to veterans that will be coming up soon. That’s December 7th, Pearl Harbor Day. Now, Pearl Harbor Day […]
Tip Top Tips for Selling Your Home Over the Holidays
Our subject today is “Tip Top Tips for Selling Your Home Over the Holidays“. We’ve got some great ones coming up in this article, but there’s something else that needs to be addressed first. Do you even want to put your home on the market during the holidays? The conventional thought among prospective home sellers […]
Happy Saint Patrick’s Day
March 17th is the one day every year where everyone is Irish. Or at least, an honorary Irishman or Irish Woman. While most of us grew up wearing green on St. Paddy’s day to avoid getting pinched, then graduated to drinking green beer or Irish coffee to celebrate the day, few of us know why […]