Articles about the MLS - Multiple Listing Service
The MLS or Multiple Listing Service is a database that real estate agents use to share their listings with other agents and to search for homes for sale.
Each MLS database serves specific regions in the United States and is available only to agents who pay for membership.
You can search the MLS on our website. We pay for the service just for you!
This service is provided by an IDX provider.
Internet Data Display is a policy that allows brokers to exchange consent to display one another's property listings on the Internet.
Our license allows us to share this data with you.
We pay a separate fee for membership to the MLS and to the IDX provider.
How To Search for Homes on GuthrieGroupHomes.com Real Estate Website
Everyone who owns a home or is looking to buy a first or second home should know how to do an MLS search for homes or other properties. “Why” you may ask? Well, that way you have the power to see what is on the real estate market available for sale at any given time. […]
Home Listings Search
[idx-quick-search format=”horizontal”] [idx-listings city=”BRENTWOOD” statuses=”1,3″ orderby=”DateAdded” orderdir=”DESC” count=”10″ showlargerphotos=”true”] [idx-listings city=”ANTIOCH” statuses=”1,3″ orderby=”DateAdded” orderdir=”DESC” count=”10″ showlargerphotos=”true”]
Homes for Sale
Current Homes for Sale from Guthrie Group Homes, Real Estate If you’ve been thinking about selling your home, now is a great time. Call us or email us today. We’ll be nice, we promise! 925-628-2436 | info@guthriegrouphomes.com You may also search homes for sale in Brentwood, Antioch, Pittsburg, and the rest of East County.
Search the MLS
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How We Market Your House To Sell Fast
Great! So you’ve made the decision to sell your house with Guthrie Group Homes. (If not, we hope our marketing plan will convince you to.) While we’re busy getting things ready for you, please download our free home seller guide, Preparing to Put Your House on the Market, here. So you’ll know what to expect, below […]