Like it or not, your credit score determines a great deal about what you can and can’t do in life, that is, when it comes to making major purchases like homes, cars, and other high-ticket items.
Unfortunately, there are a lot of misconceptions and myths revolving around your credit score and how to keep it pristine (or get it back into shape).
In the infographic below, the C.A.R. & TransUnion dispels 6 common myths about credit reports and FICO scores. As usual, click on the image below to view full-sized, or download the high-resolution image in your browser.
And, of course, there is more to your creditworthiness than just your credit score. To learn more about credit and track your score for free, sign up for an account with CreditKarma.
Be sure to pass this information to your kids, grandkids, parents, or anyone else you know who could benefit from better knowledge of credit scores and reports.
If you need help understanding this or any other issue regarding buying or selling real estate, call Libby Guthrie at 925-628-2436.
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