If you have vertical blinds in your home you’re familiar with this problem. First of all, you know that the individual hanging blinds are actually called vanes right? Well, they are. So back to the problem; one day I come home and find a vane on the floor. Or maybe a vane falls on the floor while I’m opening or closing the blinds. When I inspect the vane I find the little hole at the top where it is held by the hanger in the headrail has ripped out. See photo below.

So what to do? This is the frustrating part. Over the years, I’ve tried cutting off the top of the vane and trying to create a new hole. That never worked. I tried turning the vane upside down and doing the same thing. Again it never worked. Even if I could get the vane to stay in the hanger, the hole would not be the exact right shape and the vane would not hang straight. So the vane gets thrown away. Pretty soon enough vanes are missing that I try to find replacement vanes. If I can find them at all I must buy a set and for that, I can get a whole new setup. Frustrating as all get out!
Those days are now behind me! I learned about a little gadget called a “vane carrier clip.” See photo below.

With one of these, it’s easy to repair that broken vane permanently. You just slip the clip over the broken hole as in this photo.

Then snap the repaired vane into the hanger and you are all done! Is that easy or what?

You can find these “vane carrier clips” in little vertical blind repair kits at home improvement and hardware stores.
They are in the window covering section. Sometimes they are kind of hidden away so you might need to ask where they are.
So now you will never have to deal with those vanes in vain again! Sorry. I just had to say that.
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